
How to Write an Inspirational Vision Statement

What is a Vision Statement?

A Vision Statement is a clear, powerful description of the impact your organization works to make on the world.

While your Mission Statement focuses on the here and now—the work you do today and why you do it—a Vision Statement points to the future. It paints a picture of what the world will look like when your mission is complete, or the impact it will have in the next 1-5 years.

Types of Vision Statements:

Strategic Vision vs. Organizational Vision

When crafting your Vision Statement, it’s important to understand the types of Vision Statements and which one you’re writing. Generally, there are two types: an Organizational Vision Statement and a Strategic Vision Statement.

  • Organizational Vision Statements focus on the result of your mission lived out until completion. They describe how the world will look when your work is done. These are powerful, inspiring statements that rally your volunteers, potential donors, and employees towards a unified goal.

Example: “A world where every child has access to quality education.”

  • Strategic Vision Statements are similar, but they’re connected to the timeline of your current strategic plan. Instead of describing the ultimate outcome of your mission, they outline what the world will look like when your strategic plan is completed. These statements are often longer, more detailed, and sometimes not even statements, but bullet-point descriptions of the envisioned outcomes of each strategic objective.

Example: “By 2026, reduce the literacy gap in our community by 50%.”

In this article, we’re focusing on Organizational Vision Statements, but many of the principles apply across both types.

What is the Difference Between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement?

While Mission Statements and Vision Statements are both core parts of an organization’s strategic plan—and are often confused with each other! —they serve different purposes.  It is helpful to know the differences as you’re writing your Vision Statement, and if you haven’t written your Mission Statement yet (or are looking to refine it) take a look at our Mission Statement Guide here.

  • A Mission Statement is a clear, concise description of the core purpose of your organization. It focuses on the present and embodies the what and why behind what you do.

Example: “To provide educational resources to underprivileged communities.”  (This describes the what of what you’re doing today and the why behind it.)

  • A Vision Statement paints a picture of the future you hope to create when you live out your mission.

Example: “A future where all children, regardless of background, have the tools to succeed in life.”  (This describes the impact your mission will have on the world around you.)

What Makes a Good Vision Statement?

Vision Statements tell the world the kind of world you are working to help create.  We have found that doing this well means crafting a Vision Statement with these characteristics:

  • Epic: When writing your Vision Statement, dream big.  Organizational Vision Statements should be ambitious.  It’s about the big impact you want to make—the kind of change that reshapes the world in meaningful ways.
  • Motivational: A powerful Vision Statement inspires and motivates your team and stakeholders, pushing everyone to strive for greatness and believe in the impact you’re working to create. For those outside your organization, it says, “If you want the world to look like this, then join us.”
  • Clear (Avoid jargon): The most powerful visions avoid jargon and fancy terms. You don’t want potential donors or volunteers to need years of experience in your field or industry to understand your Vision Statement. Keep it simple, so the impact is clear.
  • Concise: While a picture may be worth a thousand words, we don’t want to come anywhere close to that for our Vision Statement! The best Vision Statements are powerfully short, not going beyond one or two sentences. They’re quick to read and hard to forget.
  • Impact Oriented: Vision Statements are all about the result of your Mission Statement. Paint a picture of the result of all your hard work. Vision Statements are the real-world manifestation of all your blood, sweat, tears, and passion encompassed in your Mission Statement. If you’re talking about actions you’re taking, you’re probably sliding into Mission Statement territory. (Mission Statements are action oriented. See our guide here.)

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How to Craft an Inspirational Vision Statement – Nine Powerful Steps

1. Gather Your Leadership Team

Vision Statements are best crafted with your board and/or executive team.  Make sure you have a representative group from your primary leadership team as part of the vision crafting process.

2. Review Your Mission

Your Vision Statement should be the other side of the coin from your Mission Statement. Review your Mission Statement with your team, unpacking the stories and purpose behind the words you chose. If you have not completed your Mission Statement yet, check out our guide here.

3. Answer the Question: What is the Problem We Are Working to Solve?

Every nonprofit we’ve worked with is dedicated to addressing a problem in the world or community they serve. Discuss with your team the problem you are trying to solve.

4. Answer the Question: What Would a Solution Look Like?

As you look at the problem you are trying to solve, consider the solution(s) that would address it. For example, if the problem is that kids struggle academically later in life due to a poor scholastic foundation in elementary school, then a potential solution could be providing resources to every child so they are set on the path to success or providing afterschool tutoring at no cost.

5. Answer the Question: What Would The World Look Like If This Solution Were Everywhere?  

Discuss as a team what the world would look like if that solution were widespread. The answer to this question can form the initial sketches of your vision.

6. Combine into a single sentence or short phrase.

Once you’ve answered the three questions above, begin crafting your answers into one-sentence descriptions of the world you’re working to create. For example, “A world where every child has the resources and support to succeed academically.”

7. Edit and Refine

Once you have a few drafts of potential sentences for your Vision Statement, pick the one that best aligns with your desired outcomes and begin to edit and refine it. Remove any jargon and keep it concise by eliminating unnecessary words. Once you have a single sentence that succinctly and powerfully describes the kind of world you are working to create, you’re done with your final draft.

8. Get Feedback:

After you have your final draft completed, share it with a few trusted stakeholders to get feedback. The two main criteria we use when getting feedback are “Is it clear?” and “Is it motivational?”

9. Finalize

Once you have received feedback on the Vision Statement and made necessary adjustments, you’re done and ready to publicize. It’s time to start including it on your website and in your marketing collateral!